Wellness Astrology – Find out which planet to honour to reinforce a simple yet powerful ritual for your vitality, health, and wellness.
Astrology and magic have played a significant role in managing human health throughout our history and have provided information to our understanding of the body.
The timing of its storage and preservation, and medical intervention. The combination of these approaches provides us with an old and timeless way to actively support the health of ourselves and our loved ones. Three of them follow.
Strengthen Your Birth Chart: Ruler of Your Ascendant
Wellness astrology explains that there are several homes on the birth chart related to health and life protection, but the main home is the first home, which controls the body and, in a sense, your entire incarnation. The signs of your ascent indicate the exact moment of space-time when you first achieve physical independence.
Synchronizing health-promoting rituals and activities in harmony with your first home-ruler is an easy but effective way to promote physical and mental well-being. Given that the sixth home is generally related to health and illness, why should we approach the first home ruler instead of the sixth home-ruler? You may think. The reason is that the sixth is more related to the consequences of habits that affect your physical and physical position than your vitality protection and protection from damage.
The snake wand is a widely used icon by healthcare professionals and has been embedded in the World Health Organization logo to this day. Wellness astrology predicts the future health status.
Note that the house’s ruler relies on the classic ruler, unlike the planets that may be inside the house. If you don’t understand the traditional first house rules, use the following guide.
• Ascension of Aries or Scorpio = Mars
• Ascension of Taurus or Libra = Venus
• Gemini or Virgo Ascendant = Mercury
• Elevating cancer = month
• Leo rise = sun
• Ascension of Sagittarius or Pisces = Jupiter
• Ascension of Capricorn or Aquarius = Saturn
The power of time on the planet – Wellness Astrology
Once the target planet and time frame are established, you can perform many mundane and magical activities to contribute to better health and well-being. A simple ritual is to light a candle, burn incense as an offering, pray to the earth for health and longevity, or overcome certain illnesses. If you want to do this regularly, you can build an altar dedicated to the planet, choose colours, scents, numbers known to be related to the earth, and give additional offerings to your tastes. The results will be further improved.
[ Don’t forget to check – How to find Online Astrologer in India? ]