Remedies for Extra Marital Affairs

Remedy for Extra Marital Affairs or Secret Love
December 31, 2020

Remedies for Extra Marital Affairs

Extra marital affair is a very common issue and also a great matter for discussion in today’s time. The details regarding the secrets of extramarital affairs could be easily found with the help of astrology and even astrological remedies for extramarital affairs actions may be performed for this. There could be a lot of reasons behind involvement of the individual who is secretly involved in an affair, but once identified through astrology, it might help to save the relationship as well as marriage. The rising strength of Kalyug and the dominance of the Rahu may be considered as 2 primary reasons for extramarital affair.

The stars and the planets responsible for extramarital affair

There’s an important role to be played by position as well as placement of planets and the stars in defining the main reason behind why an extramarital affair happened and how to overcome it. There are various reasons related to involvement of people in extramarital affairs since there’s a very strong relation between the illegal relation and secret with astrological people.

Below are a few planets that are completely responsible for an individual getting involved with extramarital affair:

  • Mars- mars is considered to be a planet that controls as well as rules sexual interest
  • Venus- this planet symbolizes love, emotional bond as well as marriage of an individual. It’s mainly responsible for the love and it’s also considered to be main driving force in an exotic relation. When Venus has the combination of Mars, there’re chances that an individual might be involved into some extramarital affair. When this combination happens between Venus and Uranus the affair is mainly for satisfying sexual obsession.
  • Rahu- Rahu is considered to be the planet responsible for extreme emotional level and tendencies of the mind that might cause involvement in some extramarital love affair. When Rahu is there in 7th house, it depicts that woman in the relationship is mainly responsible for defaming the family.
  • Jupiter- this planet primarily symbolises marriage of the woman. It depicts religion as well as goodness. But, unlike the other planets, this planet also helps to refrain an individual from flirting or getting involved in some affair. But, when the celestial or the magnetic powers of this planet are not so strong, the individual might have some extramarital affair.

Astrological Remedies for Extramarital Affairs

Extramarital love affair and secret relationships weakens the relationship between husband and wife could have bad outcomes which causes divorce and a lot of other such complications and problems too in married life. According to astrological Science, there’re a few remedies that might be used for getting rid of secret relationships in marriage.

Below are a few astrological remedies for extra marital problems that could work and improve the relationship:

You may use this remedy on Sunday night. It’s a very simple remedy that include kumkum. You need to put kumkum on the bedside where your partner sleeps. Next morning, you will have to collect the kumkum and then apply it on your head where you generally apply it and recite Goddess Parvati’s name.

Are you looking for love problem solution specialist astrologer, then call on +91-99791 22221.

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